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Grafen Edge Finger

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Back in December 2022, while I was on my phone looking at stuff, I noticed the Grafen Edge Finger which caught my interest. Since it was on offer and looked interesting, I decided to purchase it to try it out.

The Stuff

The Grafen Edge Finger comes in two colors: red or white. I got the white one as I wasn't into red color stuff. It has a circular design with silicon spikes at the bottom part to scrub the hair and a handle to hold it by slotting it between the fingers.

Here are some pictures that I have taken to show what the stuff looks like:

The Grafen Edge Finger in its packaging
The Grafen Edge Finger in its packaging

The stuff itself
The stuff itself

The bottom part shows the silicon spikes
The bottom part shows the silicon spikes

Side view of the stuff
Side view of the stuff

Holding onto the stuff
Holding onto the stuff

Usage and Experience

I have been using the Grafen Edge Finger for weeks since this post. I have to apply shampoo around my hair first before using it to scrub hair.

The silicon spikes make it safer than using fingers to scrub hair. Fingernails may end up accidentally scratching my scalp and may damage my hair.

Since it is silicon spikes, it produces squeaky sounds when scrubbing my hair with it. I feel that it does its job well as a replacement for using hands.

You can watch the video of this stuff below or on YouTube:

Final Thoughts

Overall, I feel that the Grafen Edge Finger is great stuff to have for hair scrubbing. If you are interested in this stuff, you can click on the link below:

Alternatively, you can click on some of the alternatives that I have found on Shopee and Amazon: