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The Amazing Tibet Almond Stick

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In December 2023, while watching some videos online, I saw something that caught my interest: The Amazing Tibet Almond Stick. As this is something that I feel is interesting and useful, I decided to purchase it.

The Stuff

The Amazing Tibet Almond Stick comes in a cylinder tin and is wrapped in foil paper. According to research online, it is a cotton stick that's soaked in a secret family formula and used to remove surface scratches from wood. It's colorless when rubbed on a scratch and can last for years if kept covered when not in use.

Here are some pictures that I have taken to show what the stuff looks like:

The Amazing Tibet Almond Stick
The Amazing Tibet Almond Stick

The stick is wrapped in foil paper
The stick is wrapped in foil paper

The stick itself
The stick itself

Usage and Experience

I have had The Amazing Tibet Almond Stick for a few weeks since this post. I have tried it on my door and table, and I am quite impressed that it really removes the surface scratches after rubbing the stick onto it.

After applying it, the area will look oily. It is recommended to wipe it off and let it blend with the surface over time.

As amazing as it can be, it is stated that it is not recommended for gouges, deep scratches, or bleached finishes. I did try on deep scratch areas on my table, and the scratches can still be seen.

You can watch the video of this stuff below or on YouTube:

Final Thoughts

Overall, I feel that The Amazing Tibet Almond Stick is something good to have at home to remove surface scratches from wood. If you are interested in this stuff, you can click on the link below: